Scholars and pastors from Christian churches around the world are calling the UFO phenomenon perhaps the greatest deception in the history of humankind.

Except for one church.

The Catholic Church.

It’s a world you can only access by occult means, and these means are being utilized increasingly by people from every religion, every walk of life and every intellectual level.
— "The Devil in Dreamland"

From Catholic cultural and intellectual historian and Chicago Public Library Foundation award winner Ursula Bielski


Ursula Bielski holds an M.A. in Cultural and Intellectual American History from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. A lifelong Catholic, she has been researching supernatural history and folklore for four decades and has written fifteen books on the paranormal. The host and executive producer of The Hauntings of Chicago for PBS Chicago, Ursula now hosts the World of the Supernatural YouTube channel, which features the series, Uncanny Catholic, and The Ghostlorist podcast. In 2019 she received a Chicago Public Library Foundation award for outstanding contributions to the city’s literary culture. Ursula is also the co-founder of Little Flowers Mission, which teaches reading, writing and the Gospel to enslaved Pakistani families.

Learn more about Ursula here.

Donate to Little Flowers mission at this link!


In 2018, reeling from a real spiritual battle after tangling with the occult, thirty-five year veteran paranormal researcheer Ursula Bielski thought she’d look at the spiritually “harmless” field of UFO research. What she found was a culture and history more steeped in the occult than any tarot card-reading, crystal-carrying psychic witch she’d encountered in her long career. The study of UFOs uncovered, in fact, a world and a heritage full of channeling, seances, black magick and every other subcategory of the New Age.

As she devoured the literature on encounters with what “experiencers” believed to be UFOs and extraterrestrials, Bielski was also finding that, in case after case, the “evidence” that was being left behind by these beings—burns, scratches, bruises, unexplained pregnancies, poltergeist activity, radio and phone communications, and (most maliciously) dark turns in personalities and relationships—was often identical to the evidence left after encounters with the demonic.

She soon realized she wasn’t the only one who saw through to the dark and devilish underpinnings of the UFO enigma. The alarm was, in fact, sounding throughout evangelical and other Protestant communities everywhere. These weren’t space men in their spaceships, the scholars and preachers were saying, but an old Enemy wearing the latest fashion, his disguise du jour.

But while many Christian faithful were sending out the warning against the he UFO enigma, Bielski found that one Christian church didn’t seem to be in the fight. Despite the deeply heretical belief systems and overtly occult methodologies, of the UFO phenomenon, that church’s most popular theologians and even its highest leaders were not only supporting but encouraging alien belief. Her own church.

The Catholic Church.

In The Devil in Dreamland Bielski carefully retraces the diabolic footsteps of the modern UFO phenomenon with a Catholic eye, to demonstrate the deception being successfully waged upon even the most devout Catholics and, with a loving fervor, help lead others to the Truth. Order now!

"In this deeply insightful and urgently needed work, Ursula Bielski has rigorously exposed the thoroughly occult and entirely anti-Christian origin, nature, and aim of the whole gamut of contemporary ET-related phenomena. Unlike some Catholic authors today who casually tolerate, or even—disturbingly—openly promote ufology and other esoteric fields of study, Ursula has decades of professional experience working with the occult. By combining that experience with her understanding of Catholic spiritual principles, she is uniquely capable of accurately diagnosing what others tragically regard as benign. In reading this book, you will be shocked to learn of just how loudly the diabolical resounds in the teachings and practices of those who promote belief in aliens. Filled with important research, remarkable connections, and even many engaging accounts from her own deeply relevant personal experiences in paranormal investigations, The Devil in Dreamland is a must-read for safely navigating through the present and coming Great Deception.”

-DANIEL O’CONNOR, Author of Only Man Bears His Image

"There is more than meets the eye with both the UFO and ET phenomena. This book opens the reader's eye to something more than aliens that is, actually, occultic and even demonic lying behind the endless search for aliens and the paranormal."

- FATHER ANTHONY GRAMLICH, Assistant Rector, National Shrine of the Divine Mercy

In this book, you’ll learn

  • the occult-laced history of UFO belief, from nineteenth- century Luciferian Theosophy to contemporary UFO channeling cults

  • the American government’s decades-long history of occult research and its ties to ufology

  • the shocking, non-physical nature of UFO craft and alien abductions: a reality that’s been known to secular ufologists for decades

  • the vicious nature of “extraterrestrials” and their physical, mental emotional abuse of adults, children and animals

  • the ties of Aleister Crowley and his Thelema religion to American rocketry and the rise in UFO sightings

  • the occult, anti-Christian and specifically anti-Catholic origins of science fiction and its influence on science and UFO belief

  • how a covert government group discovered the demonic origins of UFOs

  • how UFO and ET experiences lead Christians away from the divinity of Jesus to an abominable one-world religion

  • the one word that stops “alien” abductions immediately and for good (Hint: every knee shall bend)

In this book, you’ll meet

  • the “aliens” who revealed—and thwarted—a plot to kill Pope Francis during his American tour in 2016.

  • the lay Catholic apologist promoting occult belief and practice—and UFOs.

  • the Contactees whose relationships with the “space brothers” mirror demonic possession by familiar spirits.

  • the Catholic scholar who calls the Miracle of the Sun and the spiritual visitations of St. Francis and St. Teresa “UFO events”—and who’s emerged as an icon of the ufology community.

  • the priests, bishops and even popes who’ve supported occult inquiry —and UFOs.

  • the Catholic scholar who suggests “fairies” and other demonic entities may be part of a wider, unknown taxonomy of creatures, including extraterrestrials.

  • the blockbuster Catholic author and UFO experiencer who seeks “communion” with ETs and communicates with the dead through his “alien implant.”

  • the monsignor who joined his fervent UFO belief with a blanket disparagement of humanity… and became an important ally of secular and atheistic UFO believers

  • the Catholic paranormal researchers who say the devil “isn’t enough” to explain the UFO phenomenon.

  • the Catholic theologians who posit multiple incarnations of Jesus and Mary to support extraterrestrial belief.


Home of Ursula Bielski’s books on Catholicism and the Supernatural. Also coming in 2024-2026:

Shadows of My Former Self: A Memoir

Catholic Ghosts

Extraordinary Activity of the Devil

Uncanny Catholic

A Year with the Holy Souls