The Old Joliet Prison cemetery is unidentifiable today by anyone but a trained expert in abandoned cemeteries. But the overgrown expanse, hidden in preserves, hides hundreds of bodies of former convicts of one of the world’s most notorious penitentiaries.
THE WATER STOP: Ghosts of the Chicago-Alton Rail Disaster
The story of a horrific disaster on the Chicago-Alton railroad line . . . and the ghosts it left behind.
844 SOULS: Ghosts of the Eastland Disaster
On a misty summer morning long ago, Chicago met the worst disaster in its tragic history. Each evening, the cries of its dead still echo along the bank of its dark, remembering river.
273 BRICKS: The Ghosts of Flight 191
In Chicago, as everywhere in the U.S., Memorial Day weekend is a time of remembrance. But along with the dead of war, we here also tell, again, of the end of Flight 191—as do the ghosts it left behind.
THE HAUNTED PALACE: Ghosts of the Museum of Science and Industry
Only one building remains standing on the old 1893 Fairgrounds in Chicago’s Jackson Park today: the former Palace of Fine Arts. It now houses the spectacular Museum of Science and Industry—and a whole bunch of ghosts.
THE SPELL OF CRICKET HILL: Ghosts of Montrose Point
As I researched it, I discovered that this little sledding hill I'd loved as a child growing up in the not-far-off Chicago neighborhood of Northcenter had somehow become a mecca for seekers of the spiritual across ages, races, ethnicities and cultures
SPIRITS AND THE CHICORA: Chicago’s Other Ghost Ship
While the Rouse Simmons—the famed “Christmas Tree Ship”—, the Lady Elgin and the Eastland have all found a welcome home in Chicago ghostlore, there’s another fascinating waterborne ghost story that I only discovered a handful of years ago: the story of the Chicora. Not only did the Chicago vanish, but one enterprising captain tried to find it using . . . unconventional (and supernatural) means.
Down a crumbling path through an ancient preserve just outside Chicago lies one of the world’s most haunted places. Step inside.
A LOST WORLD: The Thunder-Maker
It’s a familiar sight on Chicago’s north Lake Shore Drive, but is Chicago’s famous “Thunderbird” totem pole more than just a monument?
BATTLE OF THE VIADUCT: Ghosts of Chicago’s Haunted Red Bridge
Like so many places in Chicago, you’d never know anything had ever happened at the unassuming vaduct. But the ghosts still tell the tale of labor’s deadly day.
THE VAMPIRE HUNTERS: The Strange Tale of Chicago’s Lake View Vampire and the Great Vampire Hunt of 1888
In 1888, a band of Chicago boys, none of them older than ten, formed an impromptu “vampire-hunting gang” to find and destroy the Lake View Vampire. This strange Chicago ghost story is one like no other.
“ON A WILD CHICAGO NIGHT”: The Search for Resurrection Mary, Chicago’s Most Cherished Ghost
For nearly a century, drivers on Chicago’s famed Archer Avenue have reported wee hour encounters with the city’s delusive vanishing hitchhiker, the “deathly dancer” called Resurrection Mary. Ursula Bielski shares her forty years of research into the city’s most famous ghost.